Living with Passion & Purpose

Sometimes we hit rock bottom and we have no idea how we got there or how to get up.


To create change, there is a push and pull effect needed.

The Push from our painful patterns & beliefs, the Pull from Passion & Purpose.

My Journey to Passion & Purpose includes:

  • Seeing the beliefs and patterns that are not serving. Choose to change them.

  • Moving the body and reprogramming mind to change our inner chemistry

  • Energetic clearing, cleansing and energizing, through activating Our Spiritual gifts.

  • Making the choice every day to do the work. Committing to it with consistency.

  • Have someone to support, guide and uplift you when needed.

This is what worked for me and is also what I’m offering to support others on their Journey.

With Passion we can change our Life. With intentional Purpose we can make this Heaven on Earth.
— Paulina


I’ve been blessed with “Passion” throughout my life. That driving force can help us move mountains.

With Passion, I have :

  • had a successful career as a Human Resource Manager in a company with 400 employees,

  • coached leaders, organizations, individuals and groups towards Self Empowerment

  • bought, renovated, styled and sold a dozen properties

  • started an ice hockey team for girls and women, with more than 400 participants over the years

  • helping hundreds of people connecting to deeper aspects of themselves through coaching, yoga and movement

My Why - When Life changes

What happens when Passion & Purpose are not there?

When life brings you down through the darkest of nights and all aspects of Life is changing to what feels like the worst thing that ever happened in all areas of Life, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual?

That’s part of my Journey - through it and out of it - and Now also my passion, sharing the lessons, tools and wisdom so that Your Journey may ease and change into Your Best Life.

Starting NOW!

“When we want to master something, we must experience it. It’s a humbling process…”

The Courage to Change

When Life pushes us out of Our comfort zone, there is a choice:


I chose MOVE.

Moving Body AND Mind. They are inseparable. When one moves, the other follows.

When we add a gentle loving Push in the direction we want to go, and find our Pull, the change comes faster.

And with that change comes more Joy and Inner Peace.

Ready to start Your Process?


Enlighten, Energize & Evolve Your Journey