Our Unique Soul Frequency
When I was fourteen I started seeing inside the body of people. I could see different organs, flow of energy, blockages. I would also receive information about specific foods that would help heal and I would touch a person on a specific part of their body where their pain was, without them telling me, I would instinctively know how to massage and move energy around to help ease that pain.
The energy world of things was natural to me.
At twenty I decided to travel the world on my own- looking for my life purpose. I went to India, Thailand, Laos and Australia. Everywhere I went I asked people “Are You happy?”. Most people were surprised by the question and none of them had a clear YES to give me..
A longing started flowing inside of me - a feeling of “there has to be more to life than this.. how can we live a happy, joyful life.. with love and kindness for each other…”.
This longing has continued and is also what I’m living today.
How did Your Journey start? Do You resonate? What longing is inside of You wanting to come out?
In 2020 I had my next un-layering. I started seeing through a multidimensional perspective, where I perceived myself as a point in space, of space, having access to all answers. This pushed me into an extremely challenging route of conciousness expansion - where what felt like too much information was downloaded into my system. To call it a dark night of the soul would be downplaying it. It was a hell realm beyond this world, where I wasn’t sure I would survive.
Yet I did.
I took help from various coaches and teachers and inside of me I heard this burning mantra
“When I get through this, I will help others with this.. “
This kept me going, because just doing it for my own sake, didn’t feel like a good enough motivation. I’m sharing this because I know many are suffering from similar experiences.
My calling is to help and assist others on their path to finding joy within their chosen Earth journey. Most of my clients have a longing to connect to their spiritual aspects of self.
My skills and gifts are focused at:
Working through and with the physical body to help release blockages, patterns, old stories, trauma, karma so we can be free to see with clarity.
Activating Your Skills and Spiritual gifts, by reading the field around you and helping You access them
Empowering and helping You find Your tools to see that You are Your own healer and creator.
I help You remember who You are.
I help You remember more of why we are here, what we have within our soul purpose and what lessons and soul contracts we brought to this journey.
My experience is that even as the most skilled healers - we need each other to see our own patterns, limitations, potentials and Greatness. That’s how we grow.
What are Your Skills and Gifts? How are You using them? What are You expanding within Your own life right now?

When we want to master something, we must experience it. It’s a humbling process…
I know for me it has been crucial to work with other coaches and healers to be where I am at right now. A place where I can assist others - as well as enjoy my own life in a healthy sustainable way. That doesn’t mean we no longer face challenges. It means we have tools, skills and connections to deal with them when they are showing up.
I believe in law of vibration - that which is in resonance with you will appear in your life. If you have read this far - there may be something there for you to uncover.
If You feel called to work with me - feel free to reach out.
Sending You much love on Your Journey!
I went from a masters degree in International Business, to a career as a financial controller, a Human Resources manager for 400 employees, to then start my own company working with leadership and organisational development to then shift into Life coaching, Yoga and movement teacher and Cosmic Activator.
“You can do or be anything you want in this life. You set your own limitations. Choose wisely.”