Make it stand out.
Need Guidance along the way?
When we want to travel somewhere we need to know
where we want to go
where we care travelling from
how we can get there
Seems pretty easy, but when we have lost our energy, drive, motivation, ability to see clearly, we can benefit from having someone to guide us along the way.
It’s still You who have to do the JOurney.
It’s stil You who make the choices on how to Journey..
But at least clarity may increase when we ask for help-
In marketing, we are supposed to say that it’s fast and easy..
Well, it depends on where You are starting from and where you want to go…
If you are quite content and you want to be a little more content, fine it may be easy.
If you are living your worst night mare and have been doing so for some time, there is a certain ripple in the vibration that needs to cahnge.. how fast that takes place depends on the lessons you want to learn, how much energy you can and want to upbring, how bog of a committment we are ready to make..
I find it’s beter to keep it real -no false promises. It’s Your free will choice to have Your experience.
and even though I find myself to be very capable, competent with amaxzing drive, a good itnellect and a deep awareness.. I have also lost my way and it has taken time.. and It has bee a lot of lessons beong cleared and lerant during that time.
now when Im throught it I can understand.. But in it.. I spent a lot of time in frustration of it taking so much time to get out of it.
so we might as well keep it real. How much time will depend on You, what you are ready to release what yuou as a soul want to learn..
That s up to ou. i can only give you a road map and tools —the journey and the outcome of it will be up to you.
Life on Earth can be very cahllenging.
NBo Purpose?
No Passion?
Part of getting there is seeing Your own patterns, behvaiors and blockages.
My teachings are based on Vibrational Fields.
When we recognize what we are vibrating, how that’s being reflected in and outside of the body, in our surroundings.
What is Your calling? Your gifts that are longing to be acitvate.
I help you see that using a multidimensional perspective, where You find Your answers, You awaken Your own Inner Healer and Guide inside. That ‘s my intention.
Imagine that Your Soul had a wish and longing to have certaon experiences, to learn, to grow and expand. How else can we do that without resistance?
The process is now about dealing with that resistance so that we dont get stuck.
We are all sharing a vibariotnal field, where a multitude of perspectives and tools and wisdom are available to us.. we just need to learn hpw to tune into it.
It s about recognicing where we are at. if You You are travelling somewhere you need to know
1 where You want to go
2. where you are
3 how you can get there
That’s what we are unceoverng in these personal sesions.
In my current perception of reality there is a vibaritpnal field unlimited by space and time, so we can tune into knowöledge and wsdiom beyond time and space.
if yo have pain in the body, you first try to figure out what it can be.. did i do something , eat something, move isomehow.. when did it happen what was i doing.. try different tricks, movements, food etc.. then eventually go to the doctor to help you d´try.. we always want a quick fix..
but see this earth school doenst really support that. first we make sure we have the lessons so we dont have to redo it all.
so what is it i do and how can i help?
I dont have your truths, but I have perspectives to help you shift your vibration into wíne that serves you and the highest good of all, should you shooc´se to …
free will choice